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Cute Editor for ASP Install and Setup

1. Deploying CuteEditor Client files.

The "cuteeditor_files" folder and all file it contains should be deployed to http://{your site}/{your application}/cuteeditor_files/ on your web site.

If you want to deploy the CuteEditor Client file to a different location, make sure that you set editor FilesPath property correctly.

2. Deploying netSpell.dll assembly and dictionary files

Please note that you need to have the .NET framework installed on your web server to use this feature.

The following files should be deployed to the \bin directory for the web application that uses the CuteEditor.

  • NetSpell.SpellChecker.dll
  • en-US.dic

3. Copying the sample files

If you want to launch the sample right away, place the default.asp or simple.asp in your application folder.

4. Running the samples

Access the editor via http://localhost/webapplication1/default.asp. CuteEditor for ASP control should appear on the page.

To make sure everything is working, enter a value in the text area and then click on the "save" button You should see the HTML generated by the CuteEditor for ASP control appear in the text box at the bottom of the page.

Congratulations, your setup of CuteEditor for ASP was a success!

Note: When you are including CuteEditor for ASP in your own ASP files, make sure you include the class at the top of your page.